yandex said it caught access inboxes
In today’s digital age, our personal information and online security have become increasingly important. With the rise of cyber attacks and data breaches, it’s no wonder that people are becoming more aware and cautious about their online presence. But despite our best efforts, it seems that no matter how careful we are, our personal information may still be at risk. This was proven once again when Yandex, a Russian multinational corporation specializing in internet-related services and products, announced that it had caught access to inboxes of its users.
Yandex has been a popular email service provider in Russia and other European countries since its launch in 1997. However, the recent revelation of a possible breach has raised concerns among its users. According to the company, the access was caught during a routine security check, and it affected around 4,887 mailboxes. While the number may seem relatively small compared to the millions of users of Yandex, it is still a significant breach that should not be taken lightly.
The news of the Yandex inbox access caught many by surprise, and it has once again brought the issue of online security to the forefront. In this article, we will delve deeper into the Yandex incident, its impact on its users, and what can be done to protect our personal information from potential cyber attacks.
What Happened?
On September 4, 2020, Yandex announced that it had discovered a security breach in its email service. The company revealed that an unauthorized third-party gained access to the inboxes of some of its users, and they were able to read the contents of their emails. However, Yandex assured its users that the breach did not involve any sensitive information such as login credentials, bank account details, or personal messages.
The company also disclosed that the breach was not a result of a technical glitch in their system but was a targeted attack by a group of hackers. The attack was carried out by exploiting a vulnerability in the company’s infrastructure that allowed the hackers to gain access to the mailboxes. Yandex also stated that they immediately took action to mitigate the breach and enhance their security measures to prevent any future attacks.
Impact on Yandex Users
The news of the Yandex inbox access has caused concern among its users, especially those who use the email service for their personal and professional communication. The fact that the hackers were able to read the contents of the emails raises questions about the privacy of the information shared through Yandex’s platform.
While Yandex has assured its users that no sensitive information was compromised, the incident has still caused a breach of trust between the company and its users. Many users have expressed their disappointment and concern over the security of their personal information, and some have even considered switching to other email service providers.
What Can Be Done?
In light of the Yandex breach, it is essential for all internet users to be more vigilant in protecting their personal information. Here are some steps that can be taken to secure your online presence:
1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your login process. It requires you to enter a code sent to your phone or email, in addition to your password, to access your account. This makes it difficult for hackers to gain access even if they have your login credentials.
2. Use Strong and Unique Passwords: It is crucial to use strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts, and consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords.
3. Keep Your Software Up to Date: Make sure to regularly update your operating system and software to the latest versions. This ensures that your devices have the latest security patches and protection against potential vulnerabilities.
4. Be Cautious of Phishing Scams: Phishing scams are one of the most common ways for hackers to gain access to personal information. Be wary of emails asking you to click on suspicious links or provide personal information. Always verify the sender’s email address and be cautious of emails claiming to be from legitimate organizations.
5. Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly monitor your online accounts for any suspicious activity. If you notice any unauthorized access, change your password immediately and report the incident to the respective company’s customer service.
6. Consider Using Encrypted Email Services: Encrypted email services, such as ProtonMail, offer end-to-end encryption, making it difficult for anyone else to read your emails, even if they gain access to your account.
7. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest cyber threats and techniques used by hackers to gain access to personal information. By educating yourself, you can take necessary precautions to protect your online presence.
The Yandex inbox access incident serves as a reminder that no matter how secure a company’s systems may be, there is always a possibility of a breach. It is crucial for all internet users to take necessary precautions to protect their personal information and be cautious of their online activities. Additionally, companies like Yandex must continuously improve their security measures to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. By working together, we can strive towards a more secure online environment.
turn off google safe browsing chrome
Google Safe Browsing is a feature that has been incorporated into Google Chrome to help protect users from malicious and harmful websites. It is an important security measure that aims to prevent users from falling victim to phishing scams, malware, and other online threats. The feature has been around for quite some time now and has proven to be effective in keeping internet users safe while browsing the web. However, there may be instances when you may want to turn off Google Safe Browsing in Chrome. In this article, we will discuss how to turn off Google Safe Browsing in Chrome, its benefits, and potential risks.
Before we dive into the process of disabling Google Safe Browsing in Chrome, let’s first understand what it is and how it works. Google Safe Browsing is a security service that periodically scans websites and identifies potential threats. This includes websites that have been reported for phishing, malware, and other types of deceptive content. The service collects this data from various sources, including Google’s own web crawlers, user feedback, and third-party sources. Once a website has been identified as a potential threat, Chrome will display a warning message to users, informing them about the potential risks.
Now, let’s explore the reasons why someone might want to turn off Google Safe Browsing in Chrome. One common reason is that some websites may be mistakenly flagged as malicious or deceptive by the service. This can happen due to various reasons, such as outdated website content or a false positive. In such cases, users may find it frustrating to constantly see warning messages when trying to access a legitimate website. Disabling Google Safe Browsing may also be necessary for certain types of research or testing, where users intentionally visit potentially harmful websites.

Another reason why someone may want to turn off Google Safe Browsing is to avoid any potential privacy concerns. While the service aims to protect users, it also collects data on websites visited and sends this information back to Google. This can be a concern for users who are conscious about their online privacy. By turning off Google Safe Browsing, users can prevent their browsing activity from being monitored and shared with Google.
Now that we have discussed the reasons for disabling Google Safe Browsing, let’s move on to the process of turning it off in Chrome. The steps may vary slightly depending on the operating system and version of Chrome you are using. However, the general process remains the same.
To turn off Google Safe Browsing in Chrome on a Windows PC, follow these steps:
1. Open Google Chrome on your computer .
2. Click on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the browser to open the menu.
3. From the menu, select “Settings.”
4. In the Settings page, scroll down and click on “Privacy and security” in the left-hand menu.
5. Under the “Security” section, toggle off the option that says “Protect you and your device from dangerous sites.”
6. A warning message will appear, informing you about the potential risks of disabling this feature. Click on “Turn off” to confirm.
7. Google Safe Browsing will now be turned off in Chrome.
To turn off Google Safe Browsing in Chrome on a Mac, follow these steps:
1. Open Google Chrome on your Mac.
2. Click on “Chrome” in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
3. Select “Preferences” from the drop-down menu.
4. In the Preferences window, click on “Privacy and security” in the left-hand menu.
5. Under the “Security” section, toggle off the option that says “Protect you and your device from dangerous sites.”
6. A warning message will appear, informing you about the potential risks of disabling this feature. Click on “Turn off” to confirm.
7. Google Safe Browsing will now be turned off in Chrome.
Now that you have turned off Google Safe Browsing in Chrome, it is important to understand the potential risks and drawbacks. As mentioned earlier, the feature is designed to protect users from online threats. By disabling it, you are essentially removing this layer of protection, which can leave you vulnerable to malicious websites. This is especially risky for those who are not tech-savvy or may not be able to identify potential threats on their own.

Moreover, disabling Google Safe Browsing may also result in slower browsing speeds. Since the service works in the background, constantly scanning websites for potential threats, turning it off can free up some resources and improve browsing speeds. However, this may also mean that you are more likely to come across harmful websites, which can lead to slower browsing in the long run.
On the other hand, turning off Google Safe Browsing may also result in a more seamless browsing experience. As mentioned earlier, there may be instances when legitimate websites are mistakenly flagged as harmful, resulting in constant warning messages. By disabling the feature, you can avoid these interruptions and browse the web without any distractions.
In conclusion, Google Safe Browsing is an important security feature that helps protect internet users from online threats. However, there may be valid reasons for someone to turn it off, such as privacy concerns or the need for unrestricted browsing. If you do decide to disable Google Safe Browsing, it is important to understand the potential risks and drawbacks and proceed with caution.
spoiled teenage daughter
The term “spoiled” often carries a negative connotation, implying that someone has received too much and is now ungrateful or entitled. When paired with the phrase “teenage daughter,” it can conjure up images of a bratty and demanding young girl who is used to getting her way. However, the reality of being a spoiled teenage daughter is much more complex and nuanced than these stereotypes suggest. In this article, we will explore the concept of a spoiled teenage daughter, its origins, and its impact on both the daughter and those around her.
To begin, let us first define what it means to be spoiled. According to Merriam-Webster, being spoiled means “to damage or injure the character or disposition of (someone) by satisfying their desires or indulging their feelings excessively.” This definition highlights the key aspect of being spoiled – excessive indulgence. When someone is spoiled, they are used to getting what they want without having to work for it or face any consequences. This can lead to a sense of entitlement and a lack of appreciation for what they have.
So how does this apply to a teenage daughter? It is not uncommon for parents to want to give their children the best and to shower them with love, attention, and material possessions. However, when these actions become excessive, it can lead to a spoiled teenager. This is especially true in today’s society, where material possessions and social status are often valued above character and virtue.
Being spoiled as a teenager can manifest in various ways. Some may become demanding and entitled, expecting their parents to fulfill their every wish and desire. Others may lack empathy and struggle with understanding the value of hard work and responsibility. They may also have a sense of superiority over their peers, believing that they are entitled to special treatment because of their status as the “spoiled daughter.”
So why do some teenage daughters become spoiled? One reason may be the parenting style of their parents. As mentioned earlier, parents may want to give their children the best and may use material possessions as a way to show their love and affection. However, when these material possessions become the main source of love and affection, it can create a sense of entitlement in the child. They may start to believe that they deserve these things without having to work for them, leading to a spoiled attitude.
Another factor that can contribute to a spoiled teenage daughter is peer pressure. In today’s social media-driven world, there is immense pressure for teenagers to fit in and keep up with their peers. This can lead to a desire for material possessions and a sense of entitlement when it comes to getting them. Additionally, if a teenager sees their friends being spoiled by their parents, they may want the same treatment, leading to a cycle of excessive indulgence and entitlement.
The impact of being a spoiled teenage daughter can be significant, both for the daughter and those around her. For the daughter, it can create a false sense of security and happiness. They may believe that material possessions and external validation are the key to their happiness, leading to a shallow and superficial outlook on life. They may also struggle with relationships, as their sense of entitlement can make it challenging to compromise and consider others’ feelings.
For the parents, having a spoiled teenage daughter can be emotionally and financially draining. Constantly giving in to their child’s demands can create tension and resentment within the family. It can also lead to financial strain, as parents may feel the need to keep up with their daughter’s desires, even if it means going into debt or sacrificing their own needs and wants.
So what can be done to prevent or address a spoiled teenage daughter? The first step is for parents to reflect on their parenting style and make any necessary changes. It is essential to balance love and affection with discipline and responsibility. This means setting boundaries and saying no when necessary, even if it may lead to some temporary discomfort. It is also crucial to teach children the value of hard work and the importance of empathy and consideration for others.
Communication is also key in addressing a spoiled teenage daughter. Parents should have open and honest conversations with their child, explaining why certain boundaries and rules are in place and discussing the importance of gratitude and humility. It is essential to listen to their child’s perspective and understand their point of view, but also to make it clear that being spoiled is not a sustainable or healthy way of living.

In some cases, seeking outside help may be necessary. This could include therapy for both the daughter and the family as a whole. A therapist can help the daughter understand the root causes of her entitled behavior and work on developing healthier coping mechanisms. They can also guide parents on effective communication and parenting strategies to address the issue.
In conclusion, being a spoiled teenage daughter is a complex issue that can have lasting effects on both the daughter and those around her. It is vital for parents to be aware of their actions and their impact on their child’s development. It is also essential to address any entitled behavior early on to prevent it from becoming a long-term issue. With open communication, setting boundaries, and seeking outside help if necessary, it is possible to guide a spoiled teenage daughter towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.