how to see someone’s comments on facebook
facebook -parental-controls-guide”>Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.8 billion active users as of 2021. People use Facebook to connect with friends and family, share their thoughts and experiences, and stay updated on the latest news and events. One of the features that make Facebook so engaging is the ability to interact with other users through comments. These comments provide a platform for people to express their opinions, ask questions, and engage in discussions. But have you ever wondered how to see someone’s comments on Facebook? In this article, we will discuss the various ways to view someone’s comments on Facebook and why it might be useful.
Before we dive into the different methods of viewing comments on Facebook, it is essential to understand the two types of comments on the platform. The first type is comments made on your posts or the posts of your friends. These comments are visible to you and anyone who can see the post. The second type is comments made on public posts or pages. These comments are visible to anyone who can see the post or page, even if they are not friends with the person who made the comment. With this in mind, let us explore the methods of viewing someone’s comments on Facebook.
1. On their Profile Page
The most direct way to see someone’s comments on Facebook is by visiting their profile page. If you are friends with the person, you can simply go to their profile and scroll down to their posts. Under each post, you will see the number of comments, and by clicking on it, you can view all the comments made on that post. However, this method only works for posts that the person has made on their profile, and you will not be able to see comments made on other people’s posts.
2. On a Post or Page they commented on
Another way to view someone’s comments on Facebook is by going to the post or page they have commented on. If the post is public or if you are a friend of the person who commented, you can see their comment by scrolling down to the comments section. However, if the post is private or if you are not friends with the person, you will not be able to see their comment.
3. Through the Activity Log
Facebook has an activity log feature that allows you to see all your activity on the platform, including comments made on your posts and posts you have commented on. To access the activity log, go to your profile page, click on the three dots next to ‘Add Story’, and select ‘Activity Log’. Here, you can filter your activity by type, such as posts, comments, and likes. If you want to see all the comments you have made, select ‘Comments’ from the drop-down menu, and you will see a list of all your comments on Facebook.
4. Using the Facebook Search bar
Another way to view someone’s comments on Facebook is by using the search bar. Simply type in the person’s name and add ‘comments’ after it. This will show you all the comments the person has made on public posts or pages. However, this method will not work for private posts or comments made on private accounts.
5. Through Messenger
If you have a conversation with the person on Facebook Messenger, you can also view their comments through the Messenger app. Simply open the conversation, scroll up to the first message, and click on the three dots next to it. From the options, select ‘View Profile’, and you will be directed to the person’s profile page, where you can view their comments.
6. Using a Third-Party Tool
There are also third-party tools available that allow you to view comments on Facebook. These tools use Facebook’s Graph API to gather data and provide insights on comments made by a user. However, some of these tools require you to have a premium subscription to access the comment feature.
Now that we have discussed the various ways to view someone’s comments on Facebook let us explore why you might want to see someone’s comments.
1. To Engage in Discussions
One of the main reasons people might want to view someone’s comments on Facebook is to engage in discussions. Comments provide a platform for people to express their opinions and engage in meaningful conversations. By viewing someone’s comments, you can join in on the discussion and share your thoughts on a particular topic.
2. To Keep Up with the Latest News
Facebook is often used as a source for news and information. By viewing someone’s comments on a public post or page, you can stay updated on the latest news and events. Often, people share their thoughts and opinions in the comments section, providing a diverse range of perspectives on a particular topic.
3. To Understand Someone Better
People’s comments on Facebook can also give insight into their personality and thought process. By viewing someone’s comments, you can understand their views on certain topics and get a better understanding of who they are as a person. This can be especially helpful in professional settings, where you might want to know more about a colleague or potential business partner.
4. To Monitor Online Activities
In some cases, viewing someone’s comments on Facebook might be necessary to monitor their online activities. For parents, this might be a way to keep an eye on their children’s online behavior. Employers might also want to view the comments of their employees to ensure they are not engaging in any inappropriate or unprofessional behavior online.
In conclusion, there are various ways to see someone’s comments on Facebook, and the method you choose will depend on your relationship with the person and the privacy settings of the post or page. Viewing someone’s comments can provide valuable insights and help you engage in meaningful discussions. However, it is essential to respect people’s privacy and only view comments that are meant for public viewing.
the new status hidden view
The new status hidden view has been a topic of much discussion since its release. This feature, which allows users to hide their online status and activity, has sparked both praise and criticism from social media users. While some see it as a way to maintain privacy and control over their online presence, others argue that it goes against the very essence of social media – being social. In this article, we will explore the new status hidden view and its impact on the way we use social media.
First and foremost, let’s take a closer look at what the new status hidden view actually is. Essentially, it is a setting that allows users to appear offline even when they are actively using the platform. This means that their contacts will not be able to see when they were last active or if they are currently online. This feature is available on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram , and WhatsApp . The main purpose of this feature is to give users more control over their online presence and to provide them with the option to disconnect from the constant need to be available and responsive.
One of the biggest reasons for the introduction of the new status hidden view is the growing concern over privacy on social media. With the rise of cyberbullying, online harassment, and data breaches, many users have become more cautious about sharing their personal information online. By hiding their online status, users can protect themselves from unwanted attention and limit the amount of personal information they reveal on social media. This is especially important for younger users who are more vulnerable to online threats.
On the other hand, critics argue that the new status hidden view goes against the very nature of social media. The whole point of these platforms is to connect and interact with others. By hiding their online status, users are essentially limiting their social interactions and making it more difficult for others to reach out to them. This can lead to a decrease in engagement and ultimately defeat the purpose of social media. Some also argue that this feature promotes a culture of hiding and avoiding rather than addressing and dealing with issues that may arise from being active on social media.
Another aspect to consider is the impact of the new status hidden view on relationships. With the constant need to be connected and available, social media has become a source of stress and anxiety for many individuals. By allowing users to hide their online status, the pressure to respond immediately and constantly be present is alleviated. This can lead to healthier and more balanced relationships as individuals are not constantly glued to their screens. On the other hand, it can also lead to a breakdown in communication and misunderstandings, as not being able to see when someone is online may result in delayed responses and missed opportunities for interaction.
For businesses, the new status hidden view has both pros and cons. On one hand, it allows employees to have more control over their online presence and avoid distractions during work hours. This can lead to increased productivity and a better work-life balance. On the other hand, it can make it more difficult for businesses to reach out to potential customers and engage with their audience. This feature also raises concerns for businesses that rely on social media for customer service, as hiding their online status may make it more challenging for customers to get in touch with them.
One of the biggest concerns raised by the new status hidden view is the potential for misuse. By hiding their online status, users can essentially “ghost” someone without them knowing. This can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings, especially in romantic relationships. It also opens up the possibility for individuals to hide from their responsibilities and commitments, using the feature as an excuse for not responding or being present. This can have a negative impact on both personal and professional relationships and create a culture of avoidance rather than communication.
While the new status hidden view has its fair share of criticism, there are also many positive aspects to consider. As mentioned earlier, it gives users more control over their online presence and allows them to disconnect from the constant pressure of being available online. This can have a positive impact on mental health, as it gives individuals the option to take a break from the overwhelming amount of information and interactions on social media. It also promotes a culture of respecting boundaries and understanding that individuals have the right to choose when and how they engage with others online.
In conclusion, the new status hidden view has sparked many discussions and debates about the impact of social media on our lives. While it offers users more control over their online presence and can have positive effects on mental health, it also raises concerns about the nature of social media and the potential for misuse. It is essential for individuals to use this feature responsibly and consider its impact on their relationships and interactions with others. As social media continues to evolve, it is important to keep questioning and discussing the effects of these changes on our daily lives.
como interferir un celular
En el mundo de hoy, los teléfonos celulares se han convertido en una parte esencial de nuestra vida. Nos permiten estar conectados con nuestros seres queridos, acceder a información en línea, realizar transacciones bancarias y más. Sin embargo, con la creciente dependencia de los teléfonos celulares, también ha aumentado la preocupación por la privacidad y la seguridad. Por lo tanto, se ha vuelto cada vez más común que las personas busquen formas de interferir en los teléfonos celulares de otros. Ya sea por razones personales o profesionales, el hecho es que la interferencia en un teléfono celular puede ser una herramienta poderosa. En este artículo, exploraremos cómo interferir un celular y las implicaciones éticas y legales que pueden surgir.
Antes de sumergirnos en el tema, es importante tener en cuenta que interferir un celular sin el consentimiento de su propietario es ilegal y puede tener graves consecuencias legales. Por lo tanto, todas las técnicas y métodos que mencionaremos a continuación deben ser utilizados únicamente con fines educativos y siempre con el consentimiento del propietario del teléfono.
¿Qué significa interferir un celular?

Interferir un celular es el acto de acceder y manipular la información almacenada en un teléfono celular de manera no autorizada. Esto puede incluir escuchar llamadas, leer mensajes de texto, acceder a la ubicación del teléfono y más. Hay varias razones por las cuales una persona puede querer interferir en un celular, como sospechas de infidelidad, monitoreo de actividades de menores de edad o para recopilar información importante en una investigación.
Existen diferentes formas de interferir un celular, y estas técnicas pueden variar en complejidad y efectividad. A continuación, discutiremos algunas de las formas más comunes de interferir en un celular.
1. Aplicaciones de monitoreo
Una de las formas más populares de interferir en un celular es a través de aplicaciones de monitoreo. Estas aplicaciones se pueden instalar en el teléfono objetivo y permiten a la persona monitorear todas las actividades en el dispositivo. Esto incluye llamadas, mensajes de texto, ubicación, historial de navegación y más. Algunas aplicaciones incluso permiten el acceso remoto a la cámara y el micrófono del teléfono.
Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que la instalación de una aplicación de monitoreo en un teléfono sin el consentimiento del propietario es ilegal. Además, estas aplicaciones suelen ser costosas y requieren suscripciones mensuales para su uso. Por lo tanto, esta opción puede no ser viable para todos.
2. Interceptación de llamadas y mensajes de texto
Otra forma de interferir en un celular es interceptando las llamadas y mensajes de texto del teléfono objetivo. Esto se puede hacer a través de dispositivos de escucha o mediante la configuración de desvío de llamadas y mensajes de texto desde el teléfono objetivo al teléfono del interferidor.
Sin embargo, este método tiene sus limitaciones, ya que solo se pueden interceptar las llamadas y mensajes de texto cuando el teléfono objetivo está dentro del rango de alcance del dispositivo de escucha o cuando el desvío de llamadas y mensajes de texto está activado. Además, este método no permite el acceso a otra información del teléfono, como la ubicación o el historial de navegación.
3. Hacking de Wi-Fi
Otra forma de interferir en un celular es a través del hacking de Wi-Fi. Si el teléfono objetivo está conectado a una red Wi-Fi, el interferidor puede utilizar técnicas de hacking para acceder a la información almacenada en el teléfono. Esto incluye datos de navegación, contraseñas, correos electrónicos y más.
Sin embargo, esto solo es posible si el teléfono objetivo está conectado a una red Wi-Fi que no esté protegida con una contraseña segura. Además, es importante tener en cuenta que el hacking de Wi-Fi es ilegal y puede tener graves consecuencias legales.
4. Ataques de phishing
Los ataques de phishing son otra forma de interferir en un celular. En este método, el interferidor envía un mensaje de texto o un correo electrónico falso al teléfono objetivo, solicitando información confidencial como contraseñas o números de tarjetas de crédito. Una vez que el propietario del teléfono proporciona esta información, el interferidor puede acceder al teléfono y a la información almacenada en él.
Este método requiere que el propietario del teléfono sea engañado y proporcione información confidencial, por lo que puede no ser tan efectivo como otros métodos de interferencia.
5. Utilizar programas de espionaje móvil
Los programas de espionaje móvil son software diseñados específicamente para interferir en un celular. Estos programas se pueden instalar en el teléfono objetivo y permiten al interferidor monitorear todas las actividades en el dispositivo. Esto incluye llamadas, mensajes de texto, ubicación, historial de navegación y más.
Sin embargo, al igual que las aplicaciones de monitoreo, estos programas pueden ser costosos y requieren suscripciones mensuales. Además, su uso es ilegal sin el consentimiento del propietario del teléfono.
Implicaciones éticas y legales
Como se mencionó anteriormente, interferir en un celular sin el consentimiento del propietario es ilegal y puede tener graves consecuencias legales. Además, puede haber implicaciones éticas en el uso de estas técnicas, ya que invaden la privacidad de una persona.

Es importante recordar que todos tenemos derecho a la privacidad y cualquier interferencia en un celular debe ser justificada y legal. Siempre se recomienda obtener el consentimiento del propietario del teléfono antes de realizar cualquier tipo de interferencia.
En conclusión, interferir en un celular puede ser una herramienta poderosa, pero también puede tener consecuencias legales y éticas. Siempre se debe tener en cuenta la privacidad de las personas y es importante obtener el consentimiento antes de utilizar cualquier método de interferencia. En caso de cualquier sospecha de actividades ilegales o peligrosas, es importante buscar ayuda profesional en lugar de recurrir a la interferencia en un celular.